
Remote sessions & transmissions

We can work together in person, or if distance makes that prohibitive, we can work together remotely. When we work remotely I will usually ask for a photo of the person or animal, so I can make a connection. I then tune in to that person’s energy field and read what their energy shows me, using both my intuition and muscle testing. The beauty of working this way is that all “conscious” interference is removed, because I don’t see/hear/touch you. I make a pure connection to your energy field. If you want to understand more about that, read up about Quantum Physics, The Field and/or String Theory.

Whatever your energetic body is ready to shift will show up. This can be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or energetic. We get clarity on what is underneath the issue that you are experiencing (the symptom) and how we can shift this. Once that is clear, I put together a program for you (again based on intuition and muscle testing) that can consist of many things. Supplements, homeopathics, flower essences, crystals – there are many tools in my toolbox. Once we have that program established, I then transmit it to you directly – so there is no need to physically take any of these products. A transmission may be for days, weeks or months, again it is your energy that will tell me that. The beauty of this is that you do not need to remember to take anything, you are getting your doses how ever many times a day you need transmitted. The cost of the transmission is determined by the amount of product and duration.

Energy knows no distance………..