
Get to know Lucia

Lucia Soppe

I have been a Heart Centered Transformational Coach for over 25 years, practicing both in the Netherlands (my native country) and in the United States. My path towards this started when I was back in the Netherlands pursuing my degree in Special Education. One of the assignments was to write a paper about a style of teaching that we were not familiar with. I discovered Educational Kinesiology and the rest is history!

What I found is that the tools I was using drawing from Educational Kinesiology (Brain Gym®) were incredibly effective in creating change and improvement in very short amounts of time. This was the case for both children and adults. It inspired me to study a variety of Applied Kinesiology systems. I quit my job as a teacher and started my own business in 1989. I have been working with children, adults, couples and groups ever since and I love what I do.

In the Netherlands I studied with Coby Schasfoort at the Hof van Axen, an international course center where I eventually ended up practicing and teaching. While I was there, many American teachers came to visit and teach. I learned a variety of techniques and experienced a lot of personal growth through taking classes with Gordon Stokes and Daniel Whiteside (Three-in-One Concepts), Richard Utt (Applied Physiology), Jimmy Scott (Bio-Kinesiology), Thomas Armstrong (Seven Intelligences) and many more.

Coby Schasfoort kinesiology-sue-daniel-gordon

I came to the United States in 1991 to study more with Paul Dennison, the founder of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation. I traveled with him throughout the States, learned a lot and co-taught a number of classes. I became the representative on the International Faculty of the EduK Foundation – representing the Netherlands. This picture is of Paul doing some Thinking Caps exercises.

Image of Paul Dennison

In 1994 I moved to the United States under the impression that since so many Americans came to teach in Europe, these tools and systems must be well known in the States. That was not the case! At the time we had more Touch for Health Kinesiology Instructors in the Netherlands (remember, tiny tiny country) then in the whole United States. That came as a big shock to me; I had expected people to be familiar with the tools that I use.

So, ever since, I’ve done my best to educate people about the variety of tools that are available to create a happier, healthier, more balanced and fulfilled life. There are many things we can do for ourselves that will improve our quality of life and I’m hoping to share some of those on my website.