
Healing through the Vale of Shadows

Vale of Shadows

Inner Peace Circle Feb.5 2017: one of the oracles that came up was the Vale of Shadows. It has some amazing insights to share, so I thought I would write it up for you. This comes from the Kuan Yin Oracle card deck by Alana Fairchild with the most amazing artwork of Zeng Hao. I absolutely love this deck. There is more information there, but I particularly wanted to share this process that we can all do for ourselves. Let me know how it goes for you.

If you don’t feel an affinity with Kuan Yin, you can change it to what works for you; God, Goddess, the Divine – however you feel most inspired by this.

“Healing through the Vale of Shadows

Sit with your journal and write down five things that you admire in another but do not believe that you are or have within you, and then do the same with five things that you dislike in another but cannot recognize in yourself. Say, “Through the grace of Kuan Yin and with the healing purpose of nourishing myself into greater Soul light now, show me how I can claim these lost parts of Self and live them with consciousness and love.”

Take a moment to imagine how the beautiful light parts that you don’t see in yourself could be given an opportunity to begin to grow. An example might be that if you love the skills that you see in another, you commit to trying out some classes to see where you own hidden talents lie. Take another moment to imagine how the dark parts you see and dislike in others could be recognized and forgiven in yourself and possibly turned into more conscious expressions. An example might be that rage could be turned into healthy anger that sets loving firm boundaries.

Acknowledge your courage in doing this work and take a moment to give thanks for your own efforts and the divine grace that will assist you on the journey to greater self-embodiment.

A Prayer for assistance through the Vale of Shadows

I pray to Kuan Yin, beloved spiritual mother, please help me be fearless in the Vale of Shadows, realizing that I am just growing in self-awareness and whatever has grown ugly through lack of love will gleam like a polished jewel through my attention, willingness to love and accept all parts of me and my divinely-inspired creativity in integrating this part me into my life with more consciousness.

Om Mani Padme Hum. May all parts of me be blessed. Om Mani Padme Hum.”

Much love to you all.