Touch for Health Kinesiology™ (TFHK) is a proven process of health management and improvement which helps us achieve our goals in health, performance, work and relationships. It is a system of muscle testing and balancing that uses principles of Chinese Medicine, massage, energy work and postural alignment to enhance strength, improve energy, and release physical, mental and emotional stress and pain.
Muscle testing was developed in the early 60’s when George Goodheart DC. came up with a new idea for working with muscles. He worked with people who complained about muscles that are too tight, in spasm, causing pain and pulling the spine out of line. Goodheart came to the conclusion that the muscle in spasm was not the cause of the problem. The actual weakness of muscles on one side of the body results in muscle spasms on the opposite side.
In the 70’s John Thie DC. realized the power of Applied Kinesiology and wanted it to become a system of healthcare used in every household. Applied Kinesiology was only taught to MDs and DCs. He wanted it available for the lay person. So he created Touch for Health Kinesiology™ and taught it worldwide. The difference that TFHK makes in effectively dealing with pain and distortion is that it works with the cause of the problem. It balances the structural, biochemical and emotional elements of our body. Modern scientific method has conclusively proven the connection between those areas, and TFHK includes techniques that work on each level. Since the cause of tight muscles is often a opposite weak muscle; by strengthening the weak muscle the tight muscle relaxes and stays relaxed. This cannot be achieved by rubbing, squeezing or massaging the tight muscle.